January 05 2022, 09:27#

shell - Pipe input into a script - Stack Overflow

Lien : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19408649/pipe-input-into-a-script/46726373#46726373

Alimenter un script depuis stdin :

# Check to see if a pipe exists on stdin.
if [ -p /dev/stdin ]; then
        echo "Data was piped to this script!"
        # If we want to read the input line by line
        while IFS= read line; do
                echo "Line: ${line}"
        # Or if we want to simply grab all the data, we can simply use cat instead
        # cat
        echo "No input was found on stdin, skipping!"
        # Checking to ensure a filename was specified and that it exists
        if [ -f "$1" ]; then
                echo "Filename specified: ${1}"
                echo "Doing things now.."
                echo "No input given!"

Tags : unix shell script