July 25 2022, 20:25#

linux - Delete a bond interface created from /etc/network/interfaces (ifupdown)? - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange

Lien : https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/555745/delete-a-bond-interface-created-from-etc-network-interfaces-ifupdown

I made an attempt bonding two interfaces into one, created bond0, and found it unsatisfactory. I then reverted all changes made to /etc/network/interfaces and ran systemctl restart networking.servi...

Afficher les cartes esclaves d'un bond

cat /sys/class/net/bond1/bonding/slaves

Retirer une carte d'un bond

ip link set ens2f0 nomaster

Supprimer un bond

ip link delete dev bond1

Tags : bonding linux réseau redhat